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5 Health Benefits of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) Oil You Should Know

5 Health Benefits of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) Oil

5 Health Benefits of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) Oil You Should Know

Have you heard Black Seed oil before? It goes by many names, including Nigella Sativa, black caraway, black cumin and Roman coriander, to name just a few.

For over two thousand years, black seed oil has been traditionally used in herbal medicine throughout various cultures all over the world. Traditionally, it’s used as a natural remedy for many diseases and ailments, as well as to improve general health.

Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) grows throughout India, Arabia, and Europe to about 16-24 inches in height and has white flowers when in bloom. The deep black, sharp-cornered rectangular seeds (no longer than 3 mm) are the part of the plant that is used.

This herb has many many health benefits, but let’s narrow it down to just a handful. Here are just 5 of the health benefits of Black Seed oil that you should know!

No. 1 – Anti-Inflammatory

Black seed oil has potent anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. This is thanks to its fixed oils and active compound thymoquinone, one of the major active compounds found within the herb.

Interestingly, various studies show Nigella Sativa oil has very positive results in patients with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. This is due to its inhibitory effects on inflammatory mediators and cells. A dose of 500mg twice daily for a month showed in studies to significantly improve the symptoms and incidences of swollen joints and morning stiffness.

No. 2 Anti-Allergic

If you suffer from spring allergies, then this oil is for you. After all, the delightful blooming of flowers and the warmer temperatures may look more to you like the onset of puffy watery eyes and breathing difficulties. Not to mention the irksome runny nose that joins in for fun.

Black cumin seeds have gained quite a name for themselves. Undoubtedly, one reason for that is because they’re linked to many healing properties. This includes fighting allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and atopic eczema.

When these diseases raise their ugly heads, the body releases histamines. This makes the body’s immune system go into overdrive and cause the symptoms some of you may have grown to know quite well.

Further research shows that Nigella sativa oil may help to protect those with allergies. It does so by blocking the release of histamine and lowering the allergic response. Studies also show that patients with allergic rhinitis found that after 30 days of taking 0.5ml of the oil, they noted a reduction in nasal congestion, nasal itching, runny nose and sneezing attacks.

Another great herb for reducing seasonal allergies is reishi mushroom. Learn more about it here in our blog post What’s the Scoop On: Reishi Mushroom.

No. 3 – Anti-Microbial

Nigella Sativa’s anti-microbial properties may help fight off viral and bacterial infections. Plus, these humble seeds have some significant antifungal and anti-parasitic activity too.
These protective properties are linked to the naturally occurring Thymoquinone in the seed and oil.

Additionally, there is good evidence to show that use of black seed oil for infection caused by helicobacter pylori. (This is the bacteria responsible most stomach and duodenal ulcers). Interestingly enough, the results of using black seed oil for this infection is close to that of the standard medical triple therapy option – wow!

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No. 4 – Skin Health

Nigella sativa oil is jam-packed with essential nutrients for healthy skin. These include:

  • vitamins A, B, and C
  • minerals including calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and trace elements
  • omega oils. 

These all help restore the natural health and vitality of the skin, as well as any recovery and repair needed.

Furthermore, there’s also hope for those that suffer from inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne.
Thanks to black seed oils high antioxidant levelsessential nutrients and anti-inflammatory effects, it may even help reduce inflammation in such skin conditions.
If the skin condition is related to an allergy, then as a natural anti-histamine, Black seed oil is an ideal skincare aid.

The oil can be taken orally or applied and massaged directly into the skin. This helps to moisturize and provide nutrients for the skin, as well as helping to bring down skin inflammation. The nutritive properties in the oil may also help in the repair and regeneration of damaged skin.

No. 5 – Cardiovascular Support

Studies indicate that Black seed oil may help those with mildly high blood pressure and those with high cholesterol.
Black seed oil seems to have a beneficial effect on blood lipids, helping to reduce low-density lipoprotein and increase the beneficial high-density lipoprotein.

It is thought that the mechanism behind this benefit to cardiovascular health is partly due to the antioxidant activity of the Nigella sativa extract. The essential oil of the Nigella sativa seed has antioxidant properties that make it useful for treating cardiovascular disorders.

How to Take Black Seed Oil

Easily add this oil in to the diet through supplementation. Take it either in capsule form or liquid. Here in Nourish we stock:

Simply take 1-2 capsules of Viridian Organic Black seed capsules, once to twice daily with food. Alternatively, take 1-3 teaspoons (5-15ml) of Viridian Organic Black seed oil per day.

This is just the tip of the ice burg when it comes to the health benefits of Black Seed Oil. We encourage you to research further to get a more thorough understanding of the amazingness of this oil to truly see how it can benefit you.

- Emily Nöth

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*Please note that while we are knowledgeable about our products and nutrition, this blog should never be a substitute for medical advice and attention. Please remember that you should always obtain the all-clear from your doctor before starting any new supplement plan or diet if you’re on any medication.

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